On our website and within our questionnaire components and management and data analysis tools, you can use keyboard shortcuts instead of your mouse, touchpad, or any other input device to perform specific actions. To use a keyboard shortcut, press the designated key(s) as specified below, either once or in sequence if multiple actions are desired.

Using the Navigation Bar or Common Shortcuts

  • Tab Key (Tab): Allows you to move from one element to another
  • Enter Key (Enter): Allows you to select an option button (Radio button) or a checkbox (Check box) in a list
  • Enter Key (Enter) or Spacebar (Space): Opens the panel or allows you to access the selected link
  • Escape Key (Esc): Allows you to exit a menu panel when it’s open.

Navigating Through Various Menu Sections

  • Tab Key (Tab): Use it to move from one menu section to another
  • Enter Key (Enter) or Spacebar (Space): Opens the selected menu section to access the links it contains
  • Escape Key (Esc): Closes the menu when it’s open

At Polygon, we are committed to fostering social innovation through our tools and solutions for research. We recognize the transformative power of knowledge and the significant contribution research has on society, a vision guided by the principles of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Therefore, we pledge to uphold the following principles as we serve our academic clientele and strive to make a positive difference:

Empowering Academic Excellence

We are dedicated to empowering academic institutions and researchers with cutting-edge tools and solutions that enhance the quality and efficiency of their work. We pledge to continuously innovate and adapt to their evolving needs, enabling them to push the boundaries of knowledge and make meaningful contributions to the SDGs and their respective fields.

Collaborative Partnerships

We value collaboration and actively seek partnerships with academic institutions, researchers, and other stakeholders to drive social innovation. By fostering interdisciplinary cooperation and knowledge exchange, we aim to catalyse breakthrough discoveries and solutions that address the pressing and complex challenges of our time and make progress in all SDGs.

Ethical Conduct

We are committed to the highest standards of integrity and ethical conduct in all aspects of our work. We pledge to conduct ourselves with transparency, honesty, and respect, maintaining the confidentiality and privacy of our clientele while ensuring the responsible use of data and intellectual property.

Accessibility and Inclusivity

We believe in equal access to knowledge and research tools for all individuals, in line with the SDGs’ goal of leaving no one behind. We strive to design our solutions with accessibility and inclusivity in mind, considering diverse needs and removing barriers that hinder the participation of marginalised communities. Through these efforts, we aim to promote equitable opportunities and foster a more inclusive academic environment. To learn more, please consult our Commitment to Accessibility.

Social Impact

We recognize our role in driving positive social impact. We pledge to actively seek opportunities to develop research tools and solutions that will help address critical societal challenges, such as healthcare, sustainability, education, and social justice. By leveraging our expertise and resources, we aim to contribute to the betterment of communities and create a lasting legacy of social innovation, throughout all 17 SDGs.

This pledge represents our unwavering commitment to social innovation through research. We understand that by empowering researchers and enabling them to make a difference, we can collectively shape a brighter and more inclusive future for all.

Polygon is a company dedicated to creating data collection and analysis tools tailored to the specifics needs of research teams while prioritising an exceptional participant experience. We believe in the importance of reducing disparities in access to knowledge and research resources. As such, we are committed to ensuring that our software is accessible to individuals with disabilities or those facing limitations in terms of literacy or technological access. Additionally, we offer personalized support to research teams to make their content more accessible to study participants.

Recognizing that a substantial portion of the world’s population faces challenges in fully accessing various digital content, Polygon is committed to developing solutions that enhance accessibility and inclusivity. We continuously work to improve our products. In doing so, we adhere to the accessibility standards outlined in WCAG 2.1 by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

The work to improve the accessibility of our tools is the result of numerous consultations with individuals with disabilities, ensuring that our initiatives meet their needs. With this in mind, we are constantly seeking individuals who are willing to participate in our consultations or test our tools. If you’re interested, please don’t hesitate to contact us at info@polygon.company

Accessibility Committee

We are strongly committed to continue our efforts in accessibility to ensure an optimal experience for both our clientele and those participating in scientific studies, regardless of their circumstances. To achieve this, we have set up an Accessibility Committee responsible for keeping abreast of the latest accessibility regulations. It regularly documents advancements and aims to progressively enhance access to all Polygon tools. These advancements are documented and made public in the Compliance Criteria section.

If you would like to share a comment or suggestion with us, please feel free to write to us at info@polygon.company

Team Awareness

We offer an ongoing training program to our team members, aimed at fostering awareness of the best accessibility and ergonomic practices.

Raising Awareness Among Research Teams

We offer a standard level of support to research teams to introduce them to the best practices in accessibility and ergonomics. Additionally, we provide custom support packages to address the more specific needs of each research project. Please note that the ultimate responsibility for the accessibility of the content in a scientific study shall/should remain with the research team leading the project. Therefore, Polygon cannot guarantee that research projects utilizing our tools fully comply with the accessibility guidelines established by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) in WCAG

Compliance Criteria

1.1 For a participant in a research project utilizing Polygon’s tools:

Our questionnaire components and management and data analysis tools are compatible with most internet access platforms. They work seamlessly on screens with resolutions exceeding 960 pixels by 640 pixels (equivalent to an iPhone 4), making them suitable for use on mobile devices, tablets, laptops, desktop computers, smart TVs, or with a projector.

To comply with the standards in effect as of October 2023, Polygon’s tools are supported by the following web browsers: Google Chrome (version 65), Safari (version 11.2), Firefox (version 59), Internet Explorer (version 11), and Microsoft Edge for Windows 10 (version 15).

Supported Criteria

  • AA-level typographic, line spacing, alignment, and contrast standards from WCAG 2.1 accessibility guidelines are applied to all tools.
  • Skip navigation links provide quick access to menus and navigation assistance in all tools.
  • Focus and hover states are optimized for the main navigation and various action buttons in all tools.
  • Font size enlargement is available in all tools.
  • Replacement text is provided when hovering over images, audio, or video files in all tools.
  • Navigation, questionnaire components, and content hierarchy on pages are optimized for screen readers.
  • Tab navigation is streamlined in all tools.
  • Headings, subheadings, labels, and common text are clearly defined in all tools.
  • The card sorting component is designed for ergonomic optimization. For more information, you can read our blog article on the topic.
  • External links are identified by an icon in all tools.
  • Study participants can create a user profile and reconnect to the study if they wish to continue later. For more information, please refer to Polygons privacy policy

Currently in Development

  • Dark Mode
  • Ergonomic enhancements for the map-based questionnaire component
  • Ergonomic improvements for the list-ranking component.
  • The CTRL + Y keyboard shortcut for viewing the list of available shortcuts in the questionnaire.

1.2. For Visitors to Polygon’s Website

Our website is compatible with most internet access platforms. It operates on all screen resolutions exceeding 960 pixels by 640 pixels (equivalent to an iPhone 4). As a result, it is well-suited for use on mobile devices, tablets, laptops, desktop computers, smart TVs, or with a projector.

To comply with the standards in effect as of October 2023, Polygon’s website is supported by the following web browsers: Google Chrome (version 65), Safari (version 11.2), Firefox (version 59), Internet Explorer (version 11), and Microsoft Edge for Windows 10 (version 15).

Supported Criteria

  • AA-level typographic, line spacing, alignment, and contrast standards from WCAG 2.1 accessibility guidelines are applied to all tools.
  • Skip navigation links provide quick access to menus and navigation assistance in all tools.
  • Focus and hover states are optimized for the main navigation and various action buttons in all tools.
  • Font size enlargement is available in all tools.
  • Replacement text is provided when hovering over images, audio, or video files in all tools.
  • Navigation, questionnaire components, and content hierarchy on pages are optimized for screen readers.
  • Tab navigation is streamlined in all tools.
  • Headings, subheadings, labels, and common text are clearly defined in all tools.
  • External links are identified by an icon on all pages.
  • The video console displays audio descriptions (when available).
  • The video console displays subtitles (when available).
  • The video console opens in full-screen mode when the screen reader is activated in all applications.

In compliance with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA, Canada), the Act respecting the protection of personal information in the private sector (Quebec), and the General Data Protection Regulation (European Regulation 2016/679), we request your consent for the use of cookies when you visit our site. For further details, please refer to Polygon’s privacy policy.

Polygon wishes to inform you about the measures we take to protect the personal information we collect in full compliance with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA, Canada), the Act Respecting The Protection Of Personal Information in the Private Sector (Quebec Privacy Law), and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR - European Regulation 2016/679).

Please note that Personal Information is also used interchangeably with personal data as defined in European Regulation 2016/679.

This privacy policy is intended to:

  • Outline the website’s cookie policy
  • Explain how your personal information is collected and processed. Personal information includes data that can potentially identify you, including your name, age, postal address, email address, location, and IP address
  • Inform you of your rights regarding this information
  • Specify the entity responsible for the collection and processing of personal information

  1. Cookie policy

Polygon’s website does not use any cookies.

For tracking navigation, Polygon’s website uses https://plausible.io. This tool does not employ any cookies and does not collect any personal data. This web analytics tool respects your privacy.

  1. What personal information is collected?

2.1 Website visitors of Polygon

When you visit Polygon’s website and provide personal information with your consent, we collect the following personal information:

Name, First Name, Email Address

The personal information collected by Polygon is obtained through the collection methods described below in the How is your personal information collected? section.

2.2 If you participate in a research project using Polygon’s tools

If you participate in a research project involving the collection of personal data, we collect, as part of the research project:

  • Your email address: If a research team uses Polygon’s platform to send project invitations, we may collect your email address when the research team provides it to Polygon. We will only use your email address for the specific research project you are participating in and not for commercial purposes
  • In the case of participating in a research project using our EMA* tool, our tool will capture your geolocation data periodically, always with prior authorization for the use of geolocation mechanisms. Depending on the nature and requirements of the project, our tool may also collect other data
  • Your responses: We collect and store the responses you submit when participating in a study, ensuring strict research confidentiality. The research team is solely responsible for these research data and their management

3. How is your personal information collected?

Your personal information is collected through the following methods:

3.1. Website visitors of Polygon

  • When you provide information (name, first name, email) via contact and newsletter registration forms

3.2. If you participate in a research project using Polygon’s tools

  • Polygon collects your personal information and responses using its data collection tools: ASI*, GSI*, EMA*, CM*, FCM* and DLP*.

4. How does polygon process your personal information?

Polygon treats all personal and other data received as confidential. When you fill out our contact form, the data you provide to Polygon includes your name and email. This information is used for the following purposes:

  • To respond to your inquiry
  • To send you newsletters and blog posts
  • For promotional purposes

Polygon stores your personal information in a computerized tool to facilitate client management and follow-up.

5. Does Polygon share your personal information?

5.1. Website visitors of Polygon

The personal information collected by the website is not shared with any third parties and is processed solely by Polygon.

5.2. If you participate in a research project using Polygon’s tools

The information you provide (personal information and survey responses) through Polygon’s data collection tools in the case of a research project will be solely transmitted to the research team.

6. Retention period for personal information

6.1. Website visitors of Polygon

The person in charge of the protection of personal information at Polygon will retain all the personal information collected in their computer systems and under reasonable security conditions for a period of 5 years.

6.2.  If you participate in a research project using Polygon’s tools

What does Polygon do with the data collected within the scope of a research project?

Once the research project is concluded, Polygon transfers all the data collected during the study to the research team. After the data has been handed over to the client, Polygon will securely and permanently dispose of this data.

7. Hosting of personal information

Our website is hosted by: WebFlow whose headquarters are located at the following address:

398 11th Street, Floor 2, San Francisco, CA 94103

7.1. Si vous participez à un projet de recherche ayant recours aux outils de Polygon

Polygon provides data hosting on servers located in accordance with the requirements of the research team. In all cases, Polygon complies with the laws applicable in the countries where the projects are conducted.

8. Who is responsible for protecting of personal information?

The person in charge of the protection of personal information is Patrick Matos, President, Partner, Business Development & Operations Management.

You can contact him via email from Monday to Friday, between 9 am and 5 pm (Montreal, Quebec time), at the following address:

8.2 Responsibilities of the person in charge of the protection of personal information

The person in charge of the protection of personal information is committed to protecting the personal information collected, not sharing this information with third parties without your prior notification and respecting the purposes for which the information was collected.

Additionally, the person in charge of the protection of personal information commits to notifying you in case of rectification or deletion of personal information unless this would involve excessive formalities, costs, or procedures on their part.

In the event that the integrity, confidentiality, or security of your personal information is compromised, the person in charge is committed to informing you through any means available.

9. Right to object and right to withdraw

9.1. Website visitors of Polygon

You have the right to object to the processing of your personal information by the website. You also have the right to request the removal of your personal information, for example, from a mailing list (newsletter).

To exercise your right to object to the processing of your personal information or to request the removal of your personal information, you can follow one of the procedures below:

  • If you are subscribed to our newsletter and wish to unsubscribe, you can click on the “Unsubscribe” link located at the bottom of the email
  • Alternatively, you can send an email to the data controller for personal information (patrick@polygon.company) specifying the purpose of your request

9.2. If you participate in a research project using Polygon’s tools

When you agree to participate in a research project, your participation is voluntary. You can choose to withdraw from the study at any time by directly contacting the research team leader who is managing the project.

10. Right to access, correct, and delete

10.1. Website visitors of Polygon

If you want to update, modify, or request the permanent deletion of information about you, please send an email to the person in charge of your personal information (patrick@polygon.company), stating the purpose of your request.

10.2. If you participate in a research project using Polygon’s tools

If you want to update, modify, or request the permanent deletion of the responses related to you, please contact the research team leader who is overseeing the project directly. The research team leader will then get in touch with Polygon to proceed with the permanent destruction of the collected data about you.

11. Marketing Emails

Polygon may send unsolicited marketing emails using your contact details obtained directly from you, or via public information (e.g. your university’s website) or social networking sites (e.g. LinkedIn).

At any time, you may opt out of receiving further emails from us by clicking the “Unsubscribe” link in the footer of the email.

Should you wish to request a copy of the data we hold about you or to request that we stop processing your data for marketing purposes, please email our data protection officer at (patrick@polygon.company).

Polygon uses Pipedrive’s CRM email analytics tools to track delivery, engagement, and links performance (PipeDrive inc. headquarters are located at 530 Fifth Avenue, 8th floor, Suite 802, New York, NY 10036).

Polygon will not share this information with third parties under any circumstances. Should you wish to opt out of Polygon’s email tracking, please contact our data protection officer at : patrick@polygon.company

If you consent to continue receiving our solicitation emails, the only personal information we will retain is your first name, last name, and institutional email address.

12. Confidentiality and security

The personal information we collect is stored in a secure environment. Polygon ensures that anyone acting under its authority is bound by the obligation of maintaining the confidentiality of personal data processing. All individuals employed by or working for Polygon in the scope of this mandate, as well as Polygon itself, are required to maintain confidentiality.

To ensure the security of your personal information, we employ the following measures:

  • SSL Protocol (Secure Sockets Layer)
  • Automatic backup
  • Firewall

We are committed to maintaining a high level of confidentiality by incorporating the latest technological innovations to ensure the privacy of your transactions. However, as no mechanism provides absolute security, there is always some level of risk when using the internet to transmit personal information.

13. Terms for amending the privacy policy

This privacy policy can be accessed at any time at the following address: https://www.polygon.company/confidentiality-policy

We reserve the right to modify it to ensure compliance with current law.

Therefore, we encourage you to regularly review this privacy policy to stay informed about the latest changes that may be made to it.

However, in the case of a substantial modification to this policy, we will inform you as follows, via email to the address provided by the user.

Bienvenue sur le site web de Polygon. Nous respectons votre vie privée. C’est pourquoi pour le suivi de la navigation, nous utilisons l’outil https://plausible.io, qui ne dépose aucun cookie sur votre terminal. Pour en savoir plus, consultez notre politique de confidentialité.