Population Research

Ecological Momentary Assessment

Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) is a powerful tool that captures participants’ experiences in the present moment, within their living environment. With EMA, notifications can be displayed, questionnaires can be sent, GPS data can be captured, and native mobile device sensors can be used without the need to install an application.

Data collection features

  • User-friendly interfaces accessible on all types and sizes of device
  • Compliant with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0)
  • Flexible questionnaire including various question types
  • Non linear questionnaire
  • Email and SMS invitations
  • Unlimited number of participants
  • Geospatial information integration (GEMA)
  • Activation of mobile device native sensors (GPS, audio, photo/video, etc.)
  • Interactive map-based data collection (Geoapify, OpenStreetMap, Google Maps)
  • Identification and documentation of social relationships

Study management & analysis features

  • Detailed monitoring of participants’ activity
  • Recruitment targets
  • Synchronous/asynchronous event calendar programming
  • Conditional pre-filling for longitudinal studies
  • Partial data visualisation

Hosting & security

  • Compliant with European (RGPD) and Canadian (PIPEDA) data protection criteria
  • Confidentiality and anonymization settings
  • Data residency in the region of your choice
  • Data Protection Impact Assessment (as part of an authorization request submitted to the data protection commission in your country)
  • Personal data management
  • Collaborators and access levels settings

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tool in action!

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Populational research

Systems research

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